My Services


A 15-minute call designed for us to determine if we are a good match. I will delve into the basics of the program, discuss program fees, provide the information needed to get started, and prepare you for what is to come.


High-support coaching, completely customized to fit your lifestyle. Overcome your nutrition battles once and for all.

The first session lasts 75 minutes. I will conduct an interview to get to know you better by asking pertinent questions about your health, weight history, weight struggles, medical history, eating patterns, and exercise history. The goal during this session is to generate a plan that will suit YOU best based on the nutrition interview.

Follow up visits last 45 minutes each. During the consecutive visits we will set new and/or review existing nutritional goals. During each visit the plan will be reviewed and changes will be made if needed to achieve your weekly goals.

*All fee’s are discussed during the free consultation.


If you live in South Florida, I will come to your home and give your pantry/refrigerator a makeover! Having a variety of healthy options on hand is the key to making easy, healthy decisions on a daily basis. We will work together to learn how to make the proper choices when it comes to stocking the food in your house.

*All fee’s are discussed during the free consultation.


Want to shop with a Registered Dietitian? If you live in South Florida, I will meet you at your favorite grocery store. We will discuss what you should be looking for when you shop whether it be for yourself or your family. Learning to navigate the grocery store can provide you with invaluable lifelong tools to better improve your health.

*All fee’s are discussed during the free consultation.